AP Callipers broken bleed nipple rectification
The bleed nipples in the AP callipers very rarely undo, the ferrous materials used for the calliper and the nipple itself rust and grow together. The Metro-type 4-pots can be difficult at best to bleed up, with three bleed points per calliper, but impossible when the nipples are sheared off rendering the calliper useless.
Here, the old broken bleed nipples can be freed of and removed. Quality stainless steel items fitted to prevent any further rusting/seizing issues in future can be spec'd.
Prices start at £30 for removing broken bleed nipples on a basic two-piston AP, and £70 for a 4 pot Metro / Metro Turbo type.
Many options available: rebuil with new seals, stainless steel pistons, Stainless fixings can be supplied and fitted. Callipers can also be coated in a colour of your choice, contact us for information.
Email [email protected] to discuss your requirements or use the 'contact' button in the 'Info' drop down menu, on the main page.